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Image by John Fowler

Move beyond the out-dated modality of PAST-LIFE REGRESSION....
We now understand that all lives are occuring simultaneously. 
Linear time is only for the 3-D world!
We actually exist in a QUANTUM field..we are magnifincent beings...

You exist in...

Parallel Places...

...and you have
          Similtaneous Selves


Explore your other lives - your other selves
with an


through innovative, personalized, one-to-one hypnotherapy sessions

Sessions cater to individuals globally,
breaking geographical barriers through Zoom

Explore Your other selves...

Have you ever had a dream where you woke up, and it felt so real that it took you a while to 'come back' to reality?

Pink Gradient

Watch for an email from me!

Check your spam folder ~


We'll talk on the phone and schedule your session from there....

Just leave your info and I'll send you my online calendar where you can book a 30-minute consultation with me.  
Using guided meditation is a wonderful way to practice for hypnotherapy.  

1.)  Begin when you are well-rested.

2.)  Make sure you will not be disturbed by anything or anyone - humans or animals.

3.)  Set your intention to follow along with a curious mind.

4.)  Allow yourself to have a transformative experience.  
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